Hello to all of you who will be joining me for the
Table Runner Stencil Workshop
Feel free to email me or send on a comment if you have any questions about this workshop
Please make sure you bring everything you need to make this workshop a success
Why not try a stencil quilt yourself?
In this workshop you will learn one of the oldest and most charming, yet forgotten techniques in quilting : stenciling.
This Stenciled Table Runner demonstrates how the simple yet rewarding process of stenciling can be used to create beautiful and elaborate designs.
It is easy and the finished appearance is similar to that of appliqué. Although not attempting to displace beautiful appliqué, stenciling can create a similar look in a fraction of the time.
Come Prepared. To ensure you are able to fully participate in this workshop, please ensure you bring your own supply of required supplies.
In a day workshop you will :
· Discuss examples of design ideas
· Learn how to cut stencil from freezer paper
· Learn fabric preparation and colour mixing
· Stenciling— ‘ How To’
· Fixing to set the paint
· Outlining technique for stencils
· Ideas and handy tips to get you started on your own designs
Requirements list:
Plain (background) fabric 130cm length x 46cm width. THIS IS THE SIZE OF THE FINISHED BLOCK. You may want a little extra fabric, just in case.
White or a very pale fabric is recommended (for succesful stencilling, a non competing print is important). 100% cotton is recommended. If you are using homespun or calico, it is recommended that you pre-wash the fabric.
Reynolds Freezer paper x 2 metres approx
Craft knife (or scalpel) with self healing matt or cutting board
Sharp scissors
Pen, pencil, eraser
Stubby paintbrush for stencilling
Wad of paper towelling
Several clean plastic tubs for colour mixing (empty margarine containers are ok)
Clean jar (for rinsing brushes)
Masking Tape
1 metre x Baking (grease proof paper)
2 x Jo Sonja Artist Acrylics of choice ( I personally use and recommend this brand)
Faber castell PITT artist Pen in fine line, waterproof Indian Ink for outlining. Whichever outlining pen you opt for, first test for colour fastness by washing.
Some extra fabic for patch testing
Jo Sonja Textile Medium (optional)
You may opt to purchase your own Jo Sonja Textile Medium, however as a whole bottle is wasteful if you're not going to be using it after the workshop, I will provide just enough for you to use on the day for a small cost.