Being this years guest artist with 25 quilts from over the last 8 years was a rewarding experience - I spoke to hundreds of people and even had to convince a few that my stencilled quilts were in fact stencilled and not needle turn appliqued! Now thats a compliment!
As well as my exhibit, there were another 4 of my quilts being exhibited - three in the show and one in the Flynn gallery section.
Here's a quick shot from the third day...I was fortunate enough to secure the length of an entire wall to hang my quilts, it was such a thrill to see them all hanging there! Even I cant believe that I did all these quilts in 8 years (maybe I should spend more of my time cleaning, or cooking?....)
Well, 25 quilts dont just hang themselves - I would like to thank Robyn and Val and Desley for helping me so much, it would have taken me days without you!
The 4 of us could take the world by storm if we set out to do some serious interior decorating together! It looks easy, but deciding the where and hows of so many different quilts (I've done plenty of experienting and my styles are diverse!) is no mean feat!
Thank you all so much!
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