Thank you to everyone who has commented on my blog, its always encouraging to receive so many well wishers - especially as quilting can be a very focused and individual art....its nice to reconnect after all those hours behind a quilting foot!
Brenda, your phonecall last week made my day! I would have called you back, but I couldnt find the phone! (thats the problem with cordless....)
I'm still recovering from being hyper active at the Show, today I've really felt run down....so I'm giving myself a few weeks before deciding on my next quilt.
I know many of you would like me to blog everyday (thank you to everyone who goes to the effort of emailing me....yes, I always make the effort to reply ....eventually....)... but sometimes my mind wanders and I get fed up with my computer skills (or lack of).
I dont know what I'll do next....I've seen too many beautiful quilts and my mind is racing with motivation and ideas..... will keep you posted.....soon....
Above is a pic of the bookmark I had printed to hand out at the show, its a detail from Secret Garden.
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