Update 19th April 2011
Thank you everyone for commenting on this post. It's nice to know that someone understands my chaos and creative mess. For years I felt guilty about not having a 'Showroom Studio'...you know the kind...and I always wished I'd had the inclination to create that kind of photogenic space.
I'm really fortunate to have such a great DH and a supportive family, and as for the mess - I've decided that that's just the debris creativity comes from.

Time for my yearly studio pics update.
I had grand ideas about sorting this mess out before Easter, but have now accepted that this won’t be happening.
I have actually reached the point where I have had to pause WIPs because there’s just no room to carry on with them.
A good Spring Clean for me is when I can see my table top surface again.
It’s a great design table and I have a lot of things going on there. I think this is actually my biggest dilemma, at any time I have at least 3 or 4 projects out, demanding attention. I long for the day when I whittle my UFOs and WIPs to 1 single project and breeze around my studio without walking into, over or on something.
This is my Hearts Desire Chair, before that it was my Red Delicious Chair.
Really, it's the Current BOM Chair. It Seats the Box that holds all the fabrics I will be using.
That shelf behind me was actually custom made for the Design Table.
It is so crammed full of work that I have been considering some kind of File System
You can’t tell that this is actually a large room (it’s a full size living room) with windows along one side. Great for daylight, but something of a storage loss (that’s what I tell my family anyway.)
Those are my shelves on the wall, full of journals, notebooks and sketchings.
Sometimes you don’t know how much you have, and it takes a photo to realize that you don’t really need a new 3 tiered box of Derwent’s, anyway, where would I fit them in order to make best use of them?
That's my chair by the window, I crochet there whilst looking over the birds or the Camellia bush. Mostly I read in this spot. It looks cozy but it doesn't get used much. Well, not that much, it is a working room afterall!
To be completely honest, even I am a little shocked with how much stuff I have and how out of control it looks! Is it any wonder both my DDs are keen on minimalism??
Luckily this room's completely at the back of my house so we don’t have to walk through it, or even acknowledge it.
My grown up DDs have dreams of building me a shed to move all the stuff into there…whilst I have dreams of them both moving out so I can take over their rooms….just kidding!
Beneath the Design Table is where I store a lot of my fabric stash.
There's a machine under there! I think it's an overlocker!
Sometimes I like to listen / watch out of the corner of my eye/ to The Quilt Show when I'm working. When I'm seriously working, I don't like the distraction, but when I am tidying up or sorting out it's a welcome relief.
Yes, this room’s a mess, but it’s my mess and I know where everything is…and also, it saves the house. Imagine all this (important!) stuff being dispersed throughout a house?? I'm so lucky that my family are tolerant and in fact, supportive of this chaos.