Friday, 27 September 2013
The Beauty of Broderie Perse
Wednesday, 25 September 2013
WOW: Technology Time Out
This week I am undergoing a major technology overhaul and update; not something I am enjoying. So many files, so much software, so many access user names and passwords. I really wonder how I acquired so much technology 'stuff'. I don't even like computers, and yet I find that I am on the computer more than ever, reading blogs more than ever, watching programs more than ever and even (although I still prefer hard copies) reading magazines more than I ever expected.
What about you?
When I think of the time and cost of all this technology, I really wonder how it got so serious without me noticing. It's moved into my life and I cant now see a time when it won't be there, demanding attention.
I try to keep a balance by having a no screen rule during the weekends, but often find myself looking up something quickly or getting directions. I wonder what would happen if there were no computers for 24 hours. Bliss or chaos?
WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.
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Wednesday, 18 September 2013
WOW: A Quilter in her Home Environment
WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.
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Tuesday, 17 September 2013
A Tale Of Two Roses
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Love Entwined: Part 4 is Launched

Have you been longing for this month as much as I have? When I was drafting this pattern I had to keep reminding myself that I wanted the flower vases to appear hand drawn and purposefully imperfect. And yet, they had to be both simple and exaggerated. This is an intense quilt with a lot of ideas in the design.
Now that we're 4 months in, we've all had a lot of time to think about the era and immerse ourselves on quilts from the period. This month, I am considering the relevance of broderie perse throughout the quilt. Broderie perse is definitely a suitable technique and feels so authentic for the pattern so if you're thinking about it, go ahead and see if it will work for you. My feeling is that it will depend on the fabric itself and whether or not the prints you have lend themselves, size and style wise. Having scrutinised the quilt, it's clear that there is a lot of what appears to be broderie perse as well as embroidery and stitches. Embroidering / stitching the vines and stems is definitely another option and this is what gives the original coverlet its 'lighter' look where the vase and flowers are concerned, so do give it some thought.
I have much more to say about using broderie perse with this pattern and I will be publishing a blog post about broderie perse next week to discuss this.
For me, the flowers really take me somewhere. I get lost in the romanticism of these four vases. They are flourishes which centre the quilt. You've done a lot of work to get this far, and now it's all getting visually exciting. Looking at the quilt as a design now, you can really see it taking shape. And appreciate how much thought and planning went into making it a reality over 223 years ago.
If you've come this far on the LE journey, you appreciate the time, fabric, skill and resources required to embark on such a coverlet. What woman, in 1790 (or there abouts), had all these things? Did she make this quilt as a daughter...or as a wife? Questions, Questions...

I'm posting early this month as I don't like to launch BOMs on Sundays,
each Part is usually released on the 15th.
Wednesday, 11 September 2013
WOW: Bits & Pieces
WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.
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Tuesday, 10 September 2013
Esther's Occasional Quote For The Day
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on my post below. I read and was touched by every thoughtful and sincere comment. There may only be a handful of us who are demonstratively keen to see the original quilt, but our devotion is intense and I hope it will be considered favourably by the current owners of the coverlet.
I can't explain why, but I just haven’t felt ready to start this quilt. During the pattern making process I felt so eager to make a start, but as the months have passed and thousands of you have made a start yourselves, I have found myself feeling 'not quite ready'. First it was a fabric issue and the real difficulty I was experiencing selecting a colour scheme. Now I think I am set to go with a scrappy theme. Many of you have opted for this and the blocks look wonderful. I can't wait to make a start myself now. I am making space in my sewing room and finishing up some pressing projects to make room for starting and catching up on my own heriloom.
I’m getting there, in my own time…
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Do *You* want to see the coverlet? Please Comment!
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to comment on this post. I have been touched by everything you've said. The original coverlet has really got under our skin. We yearn to see and know more about it. I know there are thousands of you who are interested in this quilt; so many of you have joined my BOM Group or emailed me about it. If you have any interest in this quilt, please leave a comment on this post.
I always knew it was a significant quilt, yet I couldn’t understand why no one had looked for it, to the best of my knowledge, before me. How could that be? No matter what I did, I couldn’t forget about it. And I know many of you were thinking about it too. Together we revived interest in finding this quilt and together we did it.
What I can tell you: the quilt is privately owned through purchase and the current owner is in the UK. The current owner wishes to remain anonymous.
So if there’s anything you want to say to the current owner, please say so in the comment section of this post.
It will be printed and passed on. I am appealing to the current owner to release images of the quilt for us all to enjoy and /or to exhibit the quilt publicly. Of course, we can only ask, the final decision belongs to the owner and we must graciously respect that decision, whatever it may be.
The quilt is privately owned and we cannot know if we will ever have another opportunity to ask to see it. If you have any interest in this quilt, please comment.
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
WOW: 7 Reasons to Book Before You Go
I've in the middle of one of those weeks. I haven't got anything useful done and am swamped with so many WOWs and To Do's that I decided I would share a little stopover my DH and I endured during a short trip we took out of state over the weekend.
Now, I should start these photos by mentioning that I am the kind of woman who wants everything booked before I go anywhere. My DH? Not so much. In fact, never. And this is precisely what can happen when you don't book before you go...

WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.
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