WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

I like to rotate my quilts at least one a year, sometime more depending on my mood! It's amazing how a quilt can change the feel of a room.
With the current heatwave, I've seen enough red which is what I themed my living room décor on (left) over winter. This is my before shot, it's messy, but you can see the quilt I'm talking about!
I love my warm red quilt and matching cushions in winter when it brightens and warms the room instantly - but it's time for a cool toned quilt to calm the room right down...
I started out by thinking I could do the quilt change myself, but after a few dizzy moments on a chair, realised I should leave it to my DH! For some reason I always think it will be a quick and easy change, but there's always something extra to do..

And now that I'm happy with my Nightshade room, the kitchen entry quilt doesn't work anymore,
so I'll be changing it over today, as you can see below I've taken Peony Pride down and am thinking seriously about sunshine and shadow...but the rod is too long. I'll let you know how I go...

How do you use your quilts?
On beds? On walls? Both? I'd love to know...
What's Your WOW ?