Wednesday, 21 May 2014

WOW: LE Crosses Done

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays 

I've got my crosses down on my scrappy LE. I was thinking about blue for the area where the pink is (I know some of you left this area hollow to show through the background fabric and I certainly think that works too). I am thinking about the points on the crosses, I was hoping to use a polka dot fabric, but couldn't get over this yellow as my option and I think this means I will be sewing down needle turn applique points (again?!) just when I though that fiddly hard work was over!

It's slow going and I keep reaching progress that demands non-stop sewing, I really need a few days of sewing to get over my centre square hill, I'm so eager to start on the borders, its hard seeing all the imaginative and beautiful work over in the Yahoo Group and to be so firmly at the 'beginning' of the quilt myself. Emotionally, I'm up to part 12 with the rest of you :) LE is certainly a lesson in patience.

What's Your WOW ? 

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  1. I love the colors you are using. I well get back to work on mine one day - I promise!

    1. Thank you! Mind you it's an heirloom and I think that means it's supposed to take forever to make!

  2. I love what you are doing with your LE.

    Enjoy the journey! I'm certainly enjoying mine again, and I love following yours.

    Anne Marieke

    1. Thanks Anne Marieke, I only hope I have the stamina to get through my second LE too, I underestimated how much work was involved!

  3. Your colours are so soft; they are beautiful!
    Love Entwinded is a true labour of love and patience...
    And she's teaching us! :)
    Enjoy your applique!
    Love, Ria.

  4. Love your fabric for the crosses - I would have gone with that yellow, too - so mellow, so right.

    1. Isn't it lovely? And I was feeling so indecisive about which fabric to use and I had my heart set on pinks all round, but then the Quilt Spoke up and chose yellow and after everything I've learnt, I'm not going to argue with LE !

  5. I just got a new craft book in for review yesterday. It uses the word fiddly a lot. I hadn't heard the word before and now I see that you use it in your post today too.
    It's a cool book with lots of great projects in sewing, knitting, crochet, and lots of others.

    1. I'd love to read it, I think fiddly is my forte and if it isn't right now, it will be once I get through LE!

  6. Esther, I am impressed with how nicely you have turned the reverse applique parts. Do you have any hints that would help us? The yellow is very nice.

    1. Hi Donna, have you seen my tutorial on this blog for Freezer Paper Applique? It's on the sidebar. That is how I do it. For this project I am using fusible instead of freezer paper but the technique is the same. I would say that half the work is preparation - there is SO much of that and the rest is practice. Let me know how you go..

  7. Hello, Esther ! By the way, I LOVED your Friday post about why you blog -- and no, I did not comment because I was reading on my iPad that day and I can't type on that contraption to save my soul! :-)

    I am so, SO in love with your Love Entwined project. I have no time, my skills are so limited, but it tugs at my soul. Do you think I should even attempt it as a "confident beginner?" Okay, let's be honest -- it's not so much confidence as it is blissful ignorance. :-) Are there certain applique skills I should work on first to get ready to tackle LE? My needle turn applique is going well so far. My stitching is pretty invisible, my outside points are nice and sharp, curves are getting a lot smoother, and I'm still getting the hang of inside points and reverse applique. What skills are most crucial for LE? Are there really tiny pieces that need to be done by cutaway method? I've read about that but haven't attempted it yet.

    1. Hi Rebecca, that's OK I often don't have time to comment either and the rest of the time I am battling my devices or being refused entry by Google because it doesn't recognize my device. Too much technology for me.

      What skill do you need for LE? Patience. Time and patience. Everything else you can learn and grow into.

      Here's what I really think about beginners making LE. Of course you can do anything you set your heart on but do understand this: don't have a timeline and take your precious time. This quilt will not be rushed. To know if it really is for you, why don't you download the pattern (its for free over in my Yahoo Bom Group) and just see if its something you think you might be able to get your head around.

      I strongly suggest you watch my tutorial on Applique with Freezer Paper which is on my side bar as this is the process I am using throughout LE. The only difference being that I am using fusible and not freezer paper.

      I am not doing any cutaway method personally and for those tiny pieces I am embroidering or just going slow - such as my compass points and the polka dot points of these crosses which I'll be blogging about next week.

      Good luck! And remember, everyone needs a 'once in a lifetime' quilt and, who knows? this one might be yours :)

  8. You are so amazing at preparing your work. I just had so much trouble getting all the pieces just right and then had such pain in my hands to appliqué so you can see in my post I either had to give up or do mine a little different. I used my embroidery machine. It won't be as amazing as all the hand appliqued LE but I just had to give in. Hugs Bunny

    1. Hi Bunny, I have had to take two days away from sewing because I have hand and shoulder cramps from hand sewing so much, this quilt is like a stitching marathon, I need warm ups and cool downs after each session. My elbow was numb yesterday!

      I am completely tempted to just raw edge the whole thing. And then I change my mind a few hours later because I know I'll never make another one like this again. I love your embroidery machine so I can't wait to see what you do, I'm sure it will be wonderful.

  9. I knew that whatever you were going to do with your LE, it was going to be stunning! I didn't know it would be twice over! I love following your progress. You are just amazing, Esther!

    1. Hi Jane, what have I got myself into?! I didn't know it would be twice over either, but it was the only way to stop my brain trying to make everything on my 'scrappy' red and white - that scheme always needs its own.


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