WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
So many machines, so few alterations getting done in this household! Just the other day I stood in front of an alteration shop and actually considered having a long neglected skirt hem quickly blind stitched for $24 - madness! Outsourcing basic tasks so I can devote every spare minute to quilting sounds good ...but is really taking my domestic laziness too far. So today I'm taking care of my 'chore' sewing.

What is going on with necklines? When you grade a pattern into a larger size there are increments where you increase measure for each inch increase, but the neck is not one of them. For reasons I still don't understand, manufacturers don't seem to know this. How they don't know confuses me. And this means that tops 'grow' all over and this means enlarged necklines that billow open for no reason other than shoddy pattern re-sizing. Where are all the pattern makers I wonder as I fix endless necklines...are they all at lunch? Are they frightened of necklines? Or do they think that enlarging everything on a pattern is a safe and easy alternative to actually doing their job? Who knows..
People always ask me what brand of jeans I wear. I have no idea why they ask me this as it seems like such an odd question to ask someone. I wear TS Jeans. Taking Shape is an Australian Brand. They're excellent, probably the best I've ever owned. This pair has always had a sticky zip, and I should have just exchanged it but couldn't be bothered because they didn't have my size left in the style I wanted so I'm finally getting around to replacing it myself- it's only taken me 2 years. At least that means I'll have a 'new' pair of jeans by the end of the day as I've never worn this particular pair.
What's Your WOW ?