Wednesday, 1 July 2015

WOW: Oma's Little Circles

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Today I'm making those round little circles for Oma's Blues centre plate edge. Progress is slow, but I'm getting there. Visually, I think they are a smidge too big, but when I compare them to the pattern, they are exactly right, so it might be a blue on white illusion on my eyes!

What's Your WOW?

WIPs on Wednesday is an open linky party where you can share your own particular WIP, every wednesday. Simply add your blog post URL in the linky below to join in. Your WIP can be anything. Advertising is not welcome.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.


  1. I love your little circles and I think the size looks great to me.

  2. All those circles take time, a great job in front of the telly or with a good audio book. Worth the effort they are looking fabulous !

  3. Beautiful little circles! Esther, if I may ask. Do you take out the paper before sewing them on?

  4. Beautiful little circles! Esther, if I may ask. Do you take out the paper before sewing them on?

  5. You have a lot of patience to make so many little circles, Esther. They are adorable.

  6. Your Oma's blues is absolutely amazing! I have loved it from the beginning and I just love blue anyway. I will be following as it comes alive.


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