Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Soothing Love Entwined Hours...

I've been a bit stressed since my 820 got taken away for repair. Of course, it had to happen just when I'd packed most of my other machines into storage - so I'm at a complete stop, machine quilting wise. And LE2 and Oma's Blues are still waiting to be quilted, draped over in the living room.
It's one thing to get the time to actually quilt without interruption...and quite another to watch that time slip away. WIP wise, it's so frustrating. My solution? Hand work.
There are still hundreds of hours of hand sewing left in my original Love Entwined top, so I'm tackling it the only way I know how - an hour at a time. It's been a few weeks since I spent a a few hours on LE and I must admit, once I find my stride, it's soothing.
I've reached that point of progress where you can actually see it 'taking shape' and it's getting rewarding to see the changes after each session - it's happening that quickly now. 
I know it's mine, but even so, I really have to say how much I love this quilt.
Just in case I've left you in any doubt?!
I know I always go on about this quilt, but it really is oh so special. 


  1. I love to see your applique, it is so beautiful. Yes, it is frustrating when we want to sew but the machine isn't there or cooperating. But you are making progress on LE.

  2. Lovely! I agree, its exciting to see the design come together. I enjoy hand stitching more than I ever thought I would and miss it when I have nothing prepared.

  3. Absolutely Beautiful! Love your work!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Your applique is always amazing, Esther. I started to ask if you're still using Floriani, since the pieces don't look as stiff as mine do, but then found your reference to Matilda's Own. I assume that's what you're using?

    1. Yes, I find Matilda's own to be much softer and use it the most - but you can't print on it, so you have decide which matters more. Hope that helps.

    2. Thank you, it does. I'm definitely going to give Matilda's a try. I'd rather do without printing and have the softer applique pieces. Can't wait for it to arrive!

  6. You are so right that the hand stitching is so soothing. It is looking so beautiful. Hope the machine comes back and behaves. Blessings,

  7. I find applique very soothing! Yours looks beautiful! I just finished a big applique project and I am thinking that LE might be next. I just adore it but the pieces are so small I'm a bit chicken to start.

  8. It's just gorgeous Esther... I am too whittling away at mine a little at a time.

  9. I think that hand work is good for the mind and the body. I am fascinated by the small applique leaves you are working on. I aspire to be as good at making them as you are!


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