The treat this month is the ever tempting donut tray—complete with a French éclair and vanilla slice. Just because! Growing up, I knew donuts as ‘carnival donuts’ and they were puffed round donuts dusted with sugar and filled with jam or custard. It wasn’t until many years later that I saw an American donut with the hole in the middle and bright neon colour icing. What a famous indulgence that image has gone on to become! I can’t even imagine a bakery or dessert offering without some kind of donut or pastry option nowadays.
How will you make yours?

This month I'm still playing around with backgrounds, as you can see above. I just love this handwriting, I really think it adds a special something! I now have seven serious background contenders, so I hope it will become clearer to me as the months go on! At least now, in Part 3, you're in the swing of things - you know how to make the domes and how to get about creating your blocks each month in your own favourite method of applique. I think I mentioned last month that I had intended to make this entire wall hanging in raw edge. Well, that was the idea but I'm so used to turn edge that it comes naturally to me without even thinking about it and I once again 'forgot' to raw edge this month! So now it looks like the whole thing will be turn edge as I figure there's no point fighting it.

My easiest delicacy was the chocolate eclair because I have such a firm idea of what they should look like in my own mind. And the fabric I used has a lovely glossly sheen in real life that adds a nice touch. I was flexible with the vanilla slice - be it pink topped, white iced or swirled. I knew there had to be an American donut at the front, all bright colours and stripes or sprinkles - I went with stripes.
My favourite? This bun. Or perhaps its a donut, it all depends on the fabrics you choose.

I was going to go classic to match my Raspberry Charlotte in a lovely crusty beige bun with white icing and a red cherry on top - but at the last minute I decided to mix it up and opted for a custard filled bun. If you look closely you can see my custard is in fact cats, which I thought was so cute and funny.
Well, I got a laugh out of it anyway, and you know, it's all a lot of fun. This is what my fabric party looked like for Part 3. I loved every minute of it!

I hope you are too, Happy Quilting until next month!

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They look delicious...
ReplyDeleteEsther, today is the 16th in the USA and I still haven't received my Part 3. I just wanted you to know in case the delivery agents need a reminder. I saw someone else had completed theirs and began to worry. Thanks.