I've gone ahead and started another blog!
It's actually a blog for other bloggers to join
It's called 'Creative Bloggers' and it's now open.
You simply add you own blog to the creative linky list the best describes your blog. If your particular interest isn't there yet, simply let me know (via the comments on the page) and it can be added. Sounds simple? It is.
The site is completely free and it's purpose is to list creative based blogs only. It will be moderated to keep out spammers and inappropriate content, but that's it.

Sometimes it's hard to imagine my creative schedule before blogging. When I started out, I had no idea how much it would become part of my daily routine. Now I just snap images as I work without even thinking about it - I just
assume I'll be blogging it.
I've been doing it so long now that I can keep my screen time to a productive minimum without feeling like a slave to the computer. There's something so satisfying about having a record of work practices at the click of a button.
I did think I would outgrow blogging, but it hasn't happened yet and I doubt it will. In addition to my own blogging habits, there are hundred's of blogs I love to visit each week on a whole range of topics - from gardening to painting to rug making. It really has become a kind of worldwide 'meet up' of creative people sharing what they love.
Blogging has had a huge impact on my creative process - it's kept me accountable to WIPs, reminded me of my progress and most important, it's been the reason why I've met so many wonderful new friends. So, to celebrate creative blogging spaces I've started up a Blogger's Linky Site devoted to Creative Bloggers.
So if you're a blogger interesting in finding other creative bloggers, or if you're a keen reader looking for inspiration, go ahead and visit Creative Bloggers!