WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Oh well, I guess I'll have to make my own 'Monday Flowers' vase installment and get my magnolia fix that way!
I've been photographing bits from my garden to add to my colour files which I always like to leaf through when in search of inspiration.

Today I'm doing the laundry and rearranging some plates before I can get back to finishing up some applique prep work. Chores are boring but necessary. I keep telling my DH that I need staff, so that I can dedicate myself to quilting full time. But he doesn't take my staffing requirements seriously. What's a quilter to do?!
What's Your WOW?
YES, Esther -- you DO need staff! Someone with your artistic talent should not be wasting her time doing menial labor! Tell your husband that the world NEEDS your applique! :-)