When finally happy with the stripe positions (it took 2 attempts!), I turned my edges.

This is what the back looks like. I'm using the pattern sheet as my guide - just like I always recommend. Don't allow your bows to grow!

Ok, I'm happy with my bows, now it's time to move onto the stems and vines..

'Hold Onto Your Heart' is a paid BOM
It's a breathtaking quilt full of meaningful symbols and beauty. The floral border is a triumph which offers an additional pieced option - making it versatile for all skill levels. Perfect for lovers and enthusiasts of applique.
You can start this BOM today!
Be sure to visit my Online Quilt Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!
I love the bows! I would have never thought the stripes would be so pretty!