Morning Glory by
Valerie Bearfield Yeager of Florida USA
Valerie, you have created an incredible quilt and I'm so delighted to be able to set my eyes on it. I know there are many quilters out there working on their Morning Glories and this one's simply a beauty. What an inspiration!
'Morning Glory'
Read more about this quilt by clicking here now
--------------------------- Open Quilt Gallery-------------------------
Thanks to Valerie Bearfield Yeager for sharing her finished quilt with us all to take inspiration from. If you'd like to see more finished quilts made from any of my patterns, visit my Open Gallery. It's a place for all quilters who make any of my quilts to show off their creations in a central online gallery. It's new and I hope you'll join us by adding your own quilt there. Submitting your quilt pics is easily done via an upload screen directly on my website. Click here now if you'd like to submit your own quilt.
Thanks for sharing Valerie's stunning Morning Glory quilt! I especially love the value choices she made for the center medallion to create the effect of depth and ensure the birds are immediately noticeable. Masterful interpretation of a beautiful appliqué design!