Sunday, 16 June 2019

Hold Onto Your Heart: Part 6 Cacti

By now you've already seen this image, but I wanted to share my fabric switch out. You know I love chopping and changing my mind over fabrics, and the cacti fabric is no different. I started with the sea green above, I just loved it and thought it was perfect. But as the rest of scene started taking shape around it, I felt it was too stark and replaced it with this print below.
It's such a small switch but makes such a huge impact. I get to see these kinds of little decisions all the time over in my Quilt Group and I just wanted to share my own on here, I know how addictive it can be to fuss over fabric. In this instance, it was worth the extra motif making!

How cute are these cacti? I can't wait to show you my subtle quilt too. It looks like this bright version has become my ambassador quilt as it's coming together so much quicker! Luckily for me, they're both on track - I just work in different phases and parts which means the subtle one is never ready for photos, but I'm hoping to catch up soon.
 'Hold Onto Your Heart' is a paid BOM 
It's a breathtaking quilt full of meaningful symbols and beauty. The floral border is a triumph which offers an additional  pieced option - making it versatile for all skill levels. Perfect for lovers and enthusiasts of applique. 

You can start this BOM today! 
Be sure to visit my Online Quilt Group on Facebook where progress images are being shown all the time. It's a massive inspiration and I warn you, it's addictive!

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