Friday, 14 February 2020

BOM 2020: 'Hope' is Launched

'Hope' is an extra special BOM for 2020. It's a heartfelt quilt with a very special purpose; all monies raised by this BOM will be used to fund my daughter's Stage 4 ovarian cancer treatment. 

We've all experienced the low valley's in life. Many of us have been personally touched by cancer. 'Hope' is a quilt that refuses to give up - it's a design of pleasure and happiness.

My BOM last year 'Hold Onto Your Heart' was an applique treasure full of intensity. 'Hope' is an easy quilt, designed to appeal to all skill levels, promising lots of beauty in simplicity - like all the best things in life.

Finished size: 76 x 76 inches.

Where there's life, there's hope.


Block of the Month Subscription
$5.95 USD
each month for 10 x months

Start today: immediately receive the Pattern Intro and Part 1 as soon as your first payment is made. Thereafter, you'll receive each pattern part every month, automatically delivered to you via email. 
Complete Digital Pattern
Single one time payment
$49.95 USD

Can't wait? Buy the complete pattern and make Hope at your own pace. 
What you need to know:
Payment is securely completed via PayPal

You don't need a PayPal account to pay as PayPal also securely processes Credit Card payments

Pattern downloads are INSTANT and followed up with a live link to your email inbox. 

Check your email for the follow up email (and check your spam / junk folders if you can't see it)The pattern will download to your computer directly

You REQUIRE an UPDATED PDF Reader in order to open and print the PDF Pattern

When you receive your download, be sure to SAVE it to your computer.
If you print it directly from the browser download screen, it will not be backed up to your computer. 


Monday, 3 February 2020

HOYH: Rose Border Progress

I am so in love with all the roses in Hold Onto Your Heart.
Here are some details from my leaves. This quilt is so intense that I decided to add every kind of flourish I could think of - it just feels right to lavish every last detail with lots of love. I don't know if I have another Hold Onto Your Heart in me, so this one has to be perfect down to every last stitch!
 Of course you don't need to get carried away like me, but sometimes I can't stop myself.
Now for some really interesting progress: the floral border. I just adore every inch of this border and seeing it come together has been really rewarding.
I'm working at my own pace, you can't rush a border like this.
Something that's really surprised me is how much I love my fabric choices - normally I umm and ahh and change my mind half way through a quilt - but not this time. It all feels so right and the longer I work with it, the more it grows on me.
And not forgetting all those rosebuds! Phew there's lots of them.
 I think they're gorgeous!
 I love seeing this border come to life and can't wait to show you my finished masterpiece!

     ' Hold Onto Your Heart' is an applique treasure 
It's a breathtaking quilt full of meaningful symbols and beauty. The floral border is a triumph which offers an additional  pieced option - making it versatile for all skill levels. Perfect for lovers and enthusiasts of applique. Click here to learn more..
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