Weekly Linky Party

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays

Each Wednesday I host a blog Linky Party. I call it WOW which stands for WIPs On Wednesdays. A WIP is a Work In Progress. 

There are so many of us with so many interesting and ongoing WIPs, why not share your projects and ideas? To link up, all you need is a blog to add your post URL. And of course, you can WOW about whatever WIP is current for you: sewing, quilting, baking, gardening…

Anyone can join in and the linky party remains active so that you can post during your Wednesday – wherever you are in the world.

Every Wednesday, see you then!


  1. Hi Esther, lovely new header and I like the lay out. testing here for you. CHeers Glenda

  2. would love to leave pics of my WOW, but don't have a blog and don't understand how to post a pic in this format.

  3. Me too, I'd love to WOW but I don't see the Linky :( I'm hoping it's because you can only see it on Wednesday so I will check back in then. :) Can't wait to get started on the BOM!


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