Sunshine and Shadow
The Vic Quilter's Showcase opened on Thursday and I am delighted to announce that Sunshine and Shadow won the Best Original Design Award.
Congratulations to everyone taking part in the show this year, as usual the work is just inspiring. Also, a big congratulations to Linda Steele who won Best of Show for her quilt Star Crazy.
This is a quick pic of Sunshine & Shadow during quilting. If you've been following my blog, you'll know that I was working through this quilt step by step, so it's nice to finish this process and be recognised for the work put into designing an original stencil quilt. There are so many great original designers out there that I feel honoured to be recognised in this way.
Unfortunatley due to unforseen circumstances, I wasn't at the Presentation on Thursday, so I dont have a full size pic yet, however I plan to head in tomorrow and will post an updated image then. Also hanging in the show is Ring of Roses and also my fantasy challenge wall hanging "Dream Fountain".
For those of you going in tomorrow - Saturday- hope to see you there, do come by and say hello!