The fronts are done and now its time to assemble your Red Delicious cushion. If you have a different way of sewing a cushion together, go ahead and use it.
This is how I like to construct my cushions. I prefer to sandwich the front applique piece as if it was a quilt. I add the backing of the cushion at the last stage - attaching it to the cushion with binding- just like a quilt. I do not 'bag out' my cushions.
Applique is in place. I've used zig zag stitch on all fused edges.
Blanket stitch is fine too.
(Yes, my old Elna - 1950's model- still makes the best satin stitch)
the pomegranate motif is stitched down
I started quilting by outlining all shapes with red thread
I wanted a modern feel for this quilt front. I quilted curve spheres - almost like repeating goblets and filled them with feathers. In between the curves, I filled the area with straight stitching. All the straight stitching area appears 'white' in the photo but actually every inch is quilted!
When quilting is finished, trim edges.
15 1/2 inches x 15 1/2 inches
15 1/2 x 6 inches
Select your zip: 15 inches
* Do measure the front of your cushion before you cut so that your measurements actually match your cushion front!
Attach zip to large square first. 1/2 inch from edge. On the photo you can see that I double turned the seam allowance and top stitched onto the zip.
On the small rectangle, fold lengthwise in half. Fold towards the zip - raw edge outside. Draw a line 1 1/2 inch away from fold and attach edge of the zip to the line you have drawn (I've drawn the line so that when you turn onto the right side, the line is straight.)