Sunday, 18 April 2010
April is the cruelest month....
OK, I might be exaggerating a little, but April appears to be conspiring against me and my new BOM, In The Pink.
My computer suffered a glitch and I have been off- line for a week. Apologies, apologies...I'm as eager to send ITP out into the world as I hope some of you are to receive it.
Fear not all eager BOM makers, In The Pink is finished and ready to be launched in the next 48 hours. The files are written up and ready.
So hang in there, it's coming! (and so is my DD...who's in charge of the computer). I only design the BOMs....
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Distractions, lovely distractions!
How can I get any work done around here?
Did my indoor cat get out when I left the back door open?
We searched and we called and we did a quick look around our yard (we have a neighborhood bruiser who likes to beat up all the neighbor’s cats. He frequently harasses our cat through the window). We called, we used food, we tapped things….and then we found her sheepishly sitting in my DH’s seat, too lazy to respond. She likes to think that SHE is the head of the house and sits in my husband’s seat whenever he is not around! (she’s not brave enough to do it when he is).
Then it rained lightly (the weather is all over the place at the moment – very hot, sudden change, cool in the morning, warm afternoons) and it looked as if a rainbow was in our garden, all the rain drops hanging off the tree leaves were illuminated in a beautiful glow.
Then I decided to go and see how my DD’s cherry tomatoes and silver beet were coping with the weird weather, and marveled that they have grown at least 3 inches overnight.
Then the birds started singing like crazy because our local street cat who we call “R” was up to no good on the fence line. I went out to save some nests from destruction and R mewed and bellowed and complained how hard his life was.
All he wanted was a cuddle and a scratch. He is a good cat really; he just needs more love and attention. I don’t think his owners take enough notice of him.
Ok…back to work. For anyone who’s still interested, the next BOM will be launched April 18th
Monday, 29 March 2010
It's Easter
I love Easter and I love birds. As we have entered the Easter season, I’ve been thinking about how important it is to stop and enjoy the beauty and wonder of creation more.
I have a morning ritual involving a cup of coffee, a window and a tenacious birdy. Finally I have managed to snap a shot (it’s a bit blurry) of the morning ritual unfolding.
You can see how tall the conifer is, it dwarfs nearby roof houses and each morning a bird comes along and tries to perch on the topper most branch.
I love this moment. Every day I watch on with baited breath. And always there are some not so brave bird spectators that come to a nearby roof and jealousy watch. It’s a great moment when the birdy finally manages to get some balance. Often he will sway wildly in the wind on that little branch. I’m amazed it hasn’t snapped. I hope it never does.
I'm back at home and un-packed after 2 great workshops this past week....what a week it's been. Both workshops were warm and inviting and as for the students...well I couldnt have asked for a nicer group of ladies. Teaching is so enjoyable! Thank you !
Not only did I get to spend three days non stop doing what I love, but I also met an incredible inspiration of mine:
Kathy of Material Obsession!
Yes, after reading her books...and drooling over her stunning designs...I met her in the flesh! And she's so much more than I could have ever guessed. Also, my DD has been on at me to make a Dresden Quilt...and now I see a Desden quilt in the horizon, but rather than a traditional affair it will be inspired by Kathy's Garden Party. Do go and have a look yourself!
Kathy, your work rocks!
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Early Starts, busy March!
Monday, 22 March 2010
Red Delicious takes it's first prize

Congratulations to: Laurie Schoenebeck, North Wisconsin, USA
Third place ribbon in the Appliqué Wall Quilt-Quilted on Home Sewing Machine Category
I do believe that this is the first Red Delicious quilt to have won an award…and I am so happy to know about it!
Thanks so much Laurie for sharing this!
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
and the winners are...
Table Runner Contest Winners are Here! Thanks to all the talented TQS members who entered our recent Table Runner Contest. There were so many beautiful pieces; it was very difficult to select the winners!
Based on your nominees for the top six entries, ARJJ chose the top three winners. All three are shown here. A big round of applause goes out to the winners for their outstanding work.
Watch this space: We'll soon be sharing the patterns for the top three winners with our TQS Star members, so you can create a winning table runner of your own...and be sure to keep an eye out for our next contest, coming in May. Once again we'll be offering a monetary prize to the top three winners.

Mine!! 2nd Place: Tulip Delight by EstherAliu

3rd Place: Round Robin by Bridget473
How great are these table runners?
Very happy to be placed 2nd.
Ok, I am actually Very Busy working, so back to it!