It's the last week
There's lots of finishing up to do...but I know you'll (patiently?) work your way through it.
Time has just flown by (well it feels that way) but I find I'm always saying that, aren't I?
The back of your baubles will look like this
and your fronts will be gently puffed
I've been very busy this week. At this time of year I am generally picking up my pace to finish lingering projects... I know that the next 4 weeks is really my last window of time to get things done before I wind down for the year and for Christmas. I am speeding up my afghan as I really want to get it's the kind of project that, if I put it down for too long, it will collect dust for another I am trying to keep my motivation up. I think my next blanket will have to be colourful grannies so that I won't get bored so easily. It's also my birthday on thursday so I know that I will most likely not get much practical work done this week. I have started tidying things up so that I can get stuck right back in after the weekend for a good week of WIPs before December arrives.
This year when I bring in the box of Christmas decorations, I'll have a new wallhanging to put up - and so will you!