WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
When did August get here?
I've lost three weeks I'm just not ready; I'm still in an early July state of mind. The flu's been staggering around the house. First my DH, then me a week later and a week after that my DD.
Looking at my DH, I have hopes that I'll pick up this week. I really hope so. The worst thing is the lost time. And the realisation that a virus can seriously leave you bed ridden. I can't even remember the last time I was this unwell. I actually had a flu shot this year and I don't know it it's helped, all I know is that I did all I could to prevent this happening. Oh well.
This is the best I've looked for the better part of a month!
It's my first coffee since the flu arrived so I must be feeling better...
but I'm still taking it easy, I'm totally exhausted. And I'm thinking about the rest of the year and starting a priority list of things to do. Because there's so much to get done and I really want to see as many as possible WIPs become finished pieces to enjoy. I also have a lot of clearing out and generally tidying up to do. I might even start a completely new WIP to motivate myself. Anything to get going again.
Hopefully my next WOW will be full of doings instead of recovering.
How's your wednesday?