I've been thinking about designing a block with Bleeding Hearts for so long, I love them, I adore the way they hang and I think they're such a romantic flower, I just knew they'd win a certain place in Forget Me Not.
Straight away I felt they belonged grouped with daisies, and then the colour scheme was instant; pink and green.
I know I always say this, but Preparation is everything!
This block is the fiddliest by far of all the blocks, but don't let that put you off...it's so satsifying to get these hearts finished, any pain along the way will be worth it! (and of course, there's always raw edge if you can't face the tiny details)
Elmer's glue, patience and a sharp pointed wooden cuticle stick (or use a thick needle to help you turn those impossible corners and edges)
clip and turn, doing your best to keep the edges tight and neat
you have to really be in the mood for applique when sitting down to turn edge the hearts
I like to complete them all in once sitting if possible,
but it takes a while so you may like to do it over several days
As I told myself throughout;
I'm only doing this once
and I'm going to look at and enjoy it for years! Persevere!
the end result is definitely worth it

This block is from Part 10
of my free 2012 Mystery BOM Forget Me Not
Yes, anyone can join in:
You can download this month's block via my website or my Yahoo Bom Group