Phew! What a weekend. If you haven't already heard, my BOM Group has 'moved house'. Previously it was hosted on a Yahoo forum called groups, but there were always issues and the format was difficult to navigate. For myself personally, I could never load 'albums' worth of images that I wanted to share with members and felt restricted each month whenever I tried to share and connect with members.
For the last 2 years, I'd been looking for an alternative to Yahoo, but simply couldn't find one. The popularity of LE really showed us all how the Yahoo format simply couldn't cope with people wanting to share their work quickly and easily and this frustrated me. I wanted to spend my time designing and sharing - not struggling with the site.
Then, a dear friend of mine suggested Facebook Groups. Well, I wasn't keen on the idea at first. I only went on Facebook myself a few months ago. But there's no denying how fast, connected and easy the Facebook Group area is to navigate - it's not just better than Yahoo, it's
miles better. So we've moved. And now that it's done, I wish I hadn't waited so long to do it.
Images are a breeze, chatting and answering comments is super easy to follow, share and respond to. I love it. Now I can get back to focusing on what really matters - the quilting!
My free BOM Group is called,
"Esther's Blog: Quilt BOM Group" and you can search for it on Facebook or simply click the image above (or on the sidebar) to join. All our Moderators have moved with us and our Group is still Moderated to make sure everything runs smoothly and any stuck members can get the advice they need.
Sounds good? It is!
If you were a member of the Yahoo BOM Group and would like to join us in our new and improved location,
you will need to join Facebook and join our Group 'again'. You were
not automatically transferred over. To do so would have been a violation of your privacy rights and I would never move our membership lists to the new Facebook home without your consent.
Join now by clicking the image above.
Because the Yahoo Group hosts many images of people's work, I will not close it down immediately, but leave plenty of time for members to clear albums.
Membership is, and always will be, free. Why not join today? We're ready to welcome you to our friendly, creative hub.