Nope, those lovely plates just don't work! Seeing my last Sweet 2016 background fabric on screen confirmed to me that it wasn't right. The lovely plates were lost behind the domes and the beautiful cake domes were lost in all the visual activity going on. I guess I got lost because of my love for the plate print fabric. I will put it away and use it some place else. Perhaps a table runner.. but that's a whole different project.

I've had numerous background ideas - from red velvet, to charcoal, to aqua, to floral prints. I've been completely spoilt for choice and ideas. But now it's time to narrow it down and commit - and I've been really struggling with this.Which is no good because I did plan on finishing this wall hanging by Christmas but I'll never get there without deciding on the background fabric first.

I've stitched strips of black and yellow together to create the top and I plan on stitching yellow lines over the black and black lines over the yellow and I'll let you know how I get on..