Wednesday, 22 February 2017

WOW: My Secret Garden Basket

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I was over the moon when my fabrics arrived on Monday and all Tuesday I was thinking about combinations for the basket / vase from my softly romantic pallette. I had a good look at the variations happening over in the Group and was wondering between blue stems or green stems from the range? I haven't decided yet (what's new??) but I do love seeing what fabrics have been selected for everyone elses Secret Garden and can't wait to finally get this block finished today. February is a short month and I'm looking forward to getting the second block done on time.

Being able to browse the block I'm thinking about over in my BOM Group is really a dream, it helps me focus and distracts me whilst being inspired all at the same time. See why I'm always behind? There's just sop much beauty to take in, it can't be rushed!

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Wednesday, 15 February 2017

WOW: Back on my Feet

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
The weather down my way has been scorching hot and then suddenly cool and I've been inside most of the time getting over a cold. The weather has knocked me about as much as my cold has, but I'm finally getting better today and back on my feet.

Whenever I'm sick, I eat a lot cabbage - it never fails to pick me up. Do you have a 'go to' favourite food when you're feeling under the weather?

Today is the third Wednesday I've been eagerly expecting a fabric package arrival. All my other orders have been delivered, now I just wait for my Secret Garden fabric. I am so eager to make a start and show off my first block here on my blog that I am getting impatient - I make do with seeing everyone else's blocks over in the Group and they are gorgeous and all so different too, it really makes me even more impatient as I'm so keen to get stuck in myself.

Today is also time for Part 2 of Diamond Hill, you can download it via my Facebook BOM Group or directly here, right now by clicking the image below.

What's Your WOW? 

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

WOW: Sweetly Does It..

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I'm waiting for my Secret Garden fabric to arrive. I think I was waiting for Secret Garden fabric last week too - well, that fabric arrived and I wasn't happy with it. I had expected a cream tone but in real life it was a muted dull grey so I've set it aside. As there's 6 metres of it, and I can't stand the waste, I think I will use it as a 'canvas' for some fabric painting murals I have in mind, so at least it's not a total loss. Right now I'm waiting for the Jardin Gris range by Robyn Pandolph and I can't wait. I just have a good feeling about it, I know it's a perfect match for my vision.

But, if you know me, you'll already know that I also have another perfect vision for Secret Garden ..with a dark background. I had thought about making two, but there aren't enough hours in the day! I know it's hard for some of you who are struggling the Mystery aspect of the fabric selection. My advice is to choose fabrics that work well together - and whether you opt for high contrasting shades or a selection of gently harmonious shades - if your palette 'works' together, then you'll be fine. Don't overthink it like I do. I usually end up deciding on the first idea anyhow.

Whilst I wait for my Secret Garden fabric to arrive, I'm making the most of my time and trying to get my Sweet 2016 wall hanging closer to completed. I was so torn over my Sweet 2016 backgrounds! I had so many great contenders..and the one I loved most was a bold yellow and black statement background - but I didn't have enough. So I have reverted to the soft floral background above and I think it's the most harmonious. Hopefully I'll stitch it down before I change my mind again..

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Thursday, 2 February 2017

Fussing Over Secret Garden Fabrics

Well I've been driving myself (and everyone at home) nuts with my fabric indecision. It was getting out of hand. The problem is I love everything in it's own special way and couldn't decide between a bright Fassett theme, a rich old gold antique theme or a light cream theme. The cream background I originally ordered online arrived yesterday - and is far too grey and dull to work. I ordered 6 metres of it, so I suppose it will come in handy for something - perhaps fabric painting.

But back to Secret Garden matters. Today I was browsing the Fat Quarter Shop and they got me with their 24 hour 'Flash Sale', and I only just snuck my order in. As of now, there's only 3 hours left, so if these fabrics take your fancy, get in quick!

This is the green I'm going to use, it's my background so I purchased 6 metres of it. If there had been a cream in the range, I probably would have coordinated 3 x metres of each and mixed the background up a bit, but there isn't, so I'm sticking with a single main background. And I love green and now I don't have to think about it and I'm relieved!
I also purchased this half yard bundle below and these are the fabrics I am going to use as my 'various applique' fabrics to use on blocks.
This beautiful range has slotted right into my vision for Secret Garden and I'm super excited to make a start and show off my first block. 

This fabric range is Jardin Gris by Robyn Pandolph

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

WOW: Secret Garden is Launched!

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
Who's got the key to get into the garden?

Secret Garden has launched and I am over the moon about it! Or perhaps over the garden wall about it is more fitting. Either way, I've got my eye on the front door as I'm expecting a fabric delivery with a lovely new background for me to begin my masterpiece.

I love all my quilts, but oh, I'm so in love with this one. 

I can't wait to show you more as I make my own Part 1 block as soon as my important delivery arrives! And of course, there's always the thrill of seeing how everyone else will make their own too. That never fails to encourage and cheer me on.

It's not too late to join this beautiful mystery BOM and although my plain pic above hasn't done this block much justice yet, just wait until you see it finished!

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Saturday, 28 January 2017

'Diamond Hill' Part 1

Diamond Hill debuted as my free BOM for 2017 on January 15th and already finished blocks are showing up over in my Facebook BOM Group. WOW! Look at this gorgeous block by Jenny Henry, what a beauty! Jenny has generously allowed me to share this image here for everyone not on Facebook to enjoy. Isn't it a stunner?

Last year when I released Hazel as the 2016 free BOM, I thought it was the bees knees, I just loved everything about that quilt (even though it was pieced!) and I still do. This year, I wondered if Diamond Hill would grab my heart in the same way...well, it has!

Thanks so much for letting me share your Diamond Hill progress with everyone Jenny, I can't wait to see what you do with this quilt as the months roll on.

Diamond Hill is my Current Free BOM for 2017
It runs from Jan - July 2017
You can take part in this BOM by joining my Facebook BOM Group (which is free)
Or by downloading the pattern directly from my blog on the 15th of each month

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

WOW: Fancy Pillows

WOW = WIPs On Wednesdays
I'm making good on my resolution to start using up my stash fabrics. Until now I thought I would simply commit to having the best dressed table in town: tablecloths, linen rings, vase runners and table runners are all on my list. But lately I've been frustrated with the quality of bed linens and in particular, European pillowcases. I've been everywhere, to all the major shops and each time I've been frustrated. So I've had enough! I went through the stash and found a fabric which matched my bedding perfectly and simply went ahead and sewed my own!

It's liberating. I should have taken up this attitude years ago. I have so much beautiful fabric, and better quality than you can purchase in most instances (especially when it comes to bedding and home-wares) so I'm feeling rather pleased with myself. One made, three to go.

And also, I'm impatiently waiting for some new fabric to arrive for Secret Garden, the BOM starts next Wednesday and I want to have my first block all finished to show you by then. I'm really excited about this BOM and decided to treat myself to some new fabric because I didn't have anything suitable in the stash for the kind of background I'm after. But more of that next week.

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